Publicity Officer

Lucy Smith


Who am I?

My name is Lucy Smith, and I am your current National Publicity Officer. I am re-running because, to be honest, I loved my role and my year on Pink, so why stop doing something you love?! I’m keen to continue building on the progress we’ve made in promoting SSAGO to both current members and potential new recruits through the 2025/26 term.

joined the University of Nottingham, and SNoGS, in September 2022, and I haven’t looked back! I served as SNoGS Secretary in the 2023/24 academic year, helped to run Midlands Freshers camp 2023, and then threw myself into SSAGO further by being elected as Publicity Officer! Since then, my love for all things SSAGO has grown, and I have also become even more involved, as demonstrated by being on 2 (!) national event committees. I am also organising a SSAGO goes to spoons!

In addition to all things SSAGO, I am an active Girlguiding leader and recently opened a Brownie unit in Nottingham, and I have a guide unit at home too. I have also recently become a member of Network!


What have I done?

Having already served as Publicity Officer, I understand the role's responsibilities and have the experience to hit the ground running if re-elected. Over the past year, I have:

Separate to publicity I also like to think I have been a proactive member of Team Pink. Participating in meetings, attending reps, helping make decisions, and helping where I can!

I as previously mentioned, I am on two event committees. I am Publicity Officer for Team Pink Rally, and I am Secretary and Publicity for Goose Ball. I think my time on event committees will shape me into a better member of Pink for the 2025/26 academic year, and will also enhance my ability to work with future national events with any publicity needs/questions.


Building on success

I like to think I have done well as Publicity Officer, and I want to continue working hard if re-elected. Some of my aims for the 2025/26 academic year would be:


Balancing Team Pink and my studies

Having started my placement year in September, I have comfortably balanced my time on Pink alongside full time work. In addition to my placement, I regularly attend other society meetings and events. As a result of my busy schedule, time management and organisation are skills that I pride myself on. I love a to-do list, and my weekly planner is my best friend! I have no fears about balancing my role on Pink with university work when I return after my placement.


Passion for SSAGO

I think it’s safe to say I am passionate about SSAGO. SSAGO has given me some of the best experiences of my life so far, between rallies, balls, and even some international trips! I like to think I have made some lifelong friends through SSAGO too. This drives me to publicise SSAGO, and make sure more people have the opportunity to get involved. I genuinely enjoy working on publicity, and as a part of Team Pink, and I believe my enthusiasm and experience make me the ideal person to continue in this role.